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Are YOU Up to the Challenge?

This summer, the Frank Sarris Public Library is issuing a challenge to the community…a million minute challenge. Staff members are asking that everyone, young or old, summer reading participant or non-participant, keep track of the amount of time they spend reading this summer, (through July 25).
It doesn’t matter whether you’re enjoying the current bestseller by John Sandford or reading the latest Mo Willems to your kids, it all counts! “Do only books count?” you ask. No, any reading material is acceptable, whether it’s a magazine, an instruction manual or the back of your breakfast cereal box. You needn’t borrow the item from the library (though we certainly encourage you to do so!), nor does it have to be a physical item – time spent reading electronic books and magazines counts, too.
The library will provide you with the supplies you need to record your reading and staff members will keep track of the community’s progress…you’ll be able to watch us move toward our goal of one million minutes both within the library and through its social media sites.
On your mark, get set…READ!